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Loza chert

Material name: Loza chert
Synonyms: N/A
Material (geologic): Paleocene (Late Selandian-Thanetian) chert

Detail of chert from Loza
Photo: John Rissetto, 2007

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Locality: Loza, Álava, Spain
Synonyms: N/A
Geographical description: Exposure in mountainous terrain, approx. 817 m asl.
Topographical map 1:25 000 170-I Labastida.
Geological map 1:50 000 170 Haro (1978) 22-09.

Length of identified source area: approx. 500 meters.
Thickness of chert bearing layers: approx. 15 meters.
Type of source: Primary.

Geographical co-ordinates: Lat. 42° 39' N
Long. 002° 41' W
(Mapdatum WGS 84)
Co-ordinate precision: The coordinates are given to the nearest minute. If you need more detailed information about this location, please contact the author.
  Flake of Tertiary chert
Photo: John Rissetto, 2007
length: 53 mm
Sample description: Host Rock according to the 1:50 000 map from the Instituto Geologico Y Minero de España (IGME) (Spanish - English)
T A, 13 - Calizas, calcarenitas con Fallotella, Dolomias - Limestone, calcarenite with Fallotella, Dolomite

Chert quality: high.
Form of nodules: amorphous.
Maximum dimensions of nodules: 35 cm.
Fracture pattern: conchoidal.


Last modified on:
December 13, 2007
Contents primarily by:
John Rissetto
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